Pen Tarot for sale – one careful owner

September 13, 2011 § 1 Comment

I have decided (and then undecided, and then decided again) to sell my Pen Tarot.

It’s a lovely LOVELY deck and I have treasured it, but the time has come to move on. I am slowly whittling my collection down to decks that I actually use, and I’m afraid I’ve never used the Pen (wouldn’t dare – I might spoil it!)

So it’s on eBay now and, to my delight, several people are now furiously bidding for it. Still, I thought I’d let you know, just in case you fancied joining the fray. 😉

Here it is:

10 Great Things about the Pen Tarot

July 26, 2008 § 2 Comments

  1. It’s incredibly beautiful – every single card.
  2. It’s independently published.
  3. It’s made in the UK.
  4. It’s limited to only 100 copies.
  5. It features quotations on each card.
  6. It has a totally unique and refreshing take on the tarot archetypes without losing touch with them.
  7. It is meaningful and, therefore, readable.
  8. It’s a black and white deck with thoughtful splashes of colour.
  9. It only costs £30, including postage to anywhere in the world.
  10. It’s on its way to me!

Visit the site to see all the cards and order. Here’s one of my favourites:

Image copyright Penelope Cline.

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